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사이트 안내

Becoming an Adult Series 활용 안내


How to Use Becoming an Adult Series

  The teenagers that I have met, whom I have had the fortune of having as my students, were highly interested in becoming responsible citizens. Unfortunately civics has become an obscure topic for most. Many textbooks focus on the methods of exercising civil privileges, such as how to vote or how to enact a law. While that approach is perfectly fine, in and of itself, I could not find any other civics textbook that dealt with the psychological and developmental issues involved. Thus, I had to write this myself.

  This coursebook is specifically designed to enhance the learner’s proficiency in English. More specifically, it aims to enhance the student’s ability to listen for specific phrases, to listen to find hidden intent, to find and give correct information, to read literature and connect the plot to current events, and finally to express one’s opinion in various essay formats of varying length.

  The material progresses from light to heavy material, in terms of the gravity of the subject and also the length of writing required. Therefore, it is highly advisable to proceed in order. Do not skip or select just one or two chapters to complete. They are placed at a specific sequence to achieve the maximum results.

   All the links to videos or other websites are intended to be supplementary guides for the students to follow. As this coursebook does not have a sample answer book or a guided video tutorial, students who need additional explanations on how to carry out a required task or get a firm understanding of complex concepts mentioned should consult the links provided.

   This coursebook can be done at home, individually. The students are encouraged to use whatever digital or non-digital aids to assist their task completion. Even Chat AIs can be used. If the instructor is unfamiliar with Online translation tools or some other note-taking applications, it would be wise to brush up on some details. Type in “AI로 영어공부” in a search window and you will find multiple guide available in both video and written format. Another useful tip is that the instructor can use Chat AI to check grammatical error or even to provide sample essays for your students to refer to.

   An instructor can use this book as a vacation assignment or a semester-long completion project. What I would recommend is giving the students the complete book to take home and finish at students’ leisure. Then, as in a flip learning class, set aside 10 minutes of in school class time to have group discussions or student presentations.

  A complete pdf version of the coursebook will be available soon. Take care.

Yours Sincerely.

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